Payette River Regional Technical Academy
February 5, 2025
Emmett High School will prepare all students for individual success
RISE MOTTO - Students, please always remember the Emmett Way and the values of our RISE motto. Our blue-collar community is based on the pillars of Responsibility, Integrity, Service, and Excellence. Come to school every day and be on time to class, be kind and help one another, work hard for all the teachers and staff that work hard for you, and be proud of your success.
PARKING - ATTN ALL STUDENT DRIVERS: Students can only park in the following: SENIORS - Paid parking spots and senior parking (Starting after the 2nd-speed bump and back) Everyone else should be parking in the back. NO PARKING IN THE STAFF, VISITORS, OR BUS LANE PARKING SPOTS.
NATIONAL SCHOOL COUNSELING WEEK - interactive activity up in the counseling office on the window
- Monday, why do you love your school counselor?
- Tuesday, how has your school counselor help you set goals?
- Wednesday, how has your school counselor helped you?
- Thursday, write a thank you note to your school counselor.
ASVAB RESULTS - If you took ASVAB Test and haven’t received your results please go to room 110 during 1st period.
TIP-OFF DRESS UP DAYS - Monday: Show your love for comfort (wear your comfiest clothes), Tuesday: Welcome to the dark side (Black), Wednesday: Yoda One (dress your type), Thursday: Neon Knights of the galaxy (wear neon or white)
SWEETHEARTS DANCE - February 14th from 8:00-11:00 p.m. at the packing shed! Wear your form Valentine's attire. Buy your ticket in the atrium during break for $20 for singles and $35 for couples. Girls ask the guy's time. Dance Guest Forms are available in the office.
SWEETHEARTS DANCE TICKETS - Tickets will be sold in the atrium
February 3-6: During lunch
COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE AND SCHOLARSHIPS - Seniors if you have been accepted to a college, university, or trade school and also received a scholarship, please make sure to turn in your acceptance letter, and scholarships to Ms. Gonzalez in room 104 or email:
SCHOLARSHIPS - All local scholarships are due on April 1st. If you have any questions contact Ms. Gonzales in room 104 or EMAIL:
CAKE AUCTION - Save the date! EHS Project Graduation Cake Auction. Friday, EHS Gym, Silent Auction from 4:30-7:00 pm. Live Auction after the JV basketball game.
GRADUATION INFORMATION—Graduation: June 6, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. on the EHS Football Field.
Girls F/S Basketball - 4:30 pm @ Skyview High School
Boys F/S Basketball - 4:30 pm @ Bishop Kelly H.S.
Girls JV Basketball - 6:00 pm @ Skyview High School
Boys JV Basketball - 6:00 pm @ Bishop Kelly H.S.
Girls Varsity Basketball - 7:30 pm @ Skyview High School
Boys Varsity Basketball - 7:30 pm @ Bishop Kelly H.S.
Boys JV Wrestling - 5:00 pm @ Columbia High School
Girls Varsity Wrestling - 6:00 pm @ Columbia High School
Boys Varsity Wrestling - 7:00 pm @ Columbia High School
Boys Varsity Wrestling - 8:00 a.m. @ Challis Tournament
Girls Varsity Wrestling - 8:00 a.m. @ Kimberly Girls Tournament
Boys F/S Basketball - 4:00 pm vs. Vallivue High School (Home)
Boys JV Basketball - 5:30 pm vs. Vallivue High School (Home)
Boys Varsity Basketball - 7:30 pm vs. Vallivue High School
Boys Varsity Wrestling - 8:00 a.m. @ Challis Tournament
Girls Varsity Wrestling - 8:00 a.m. @ Kimberly Girls Tournament
- Monday: Manwich on a bun
- Tuesday: Crispito w/salsa
- Wednesday: Popcorn Chicken Bites, potato w/gravy
- Thursday: Cheese Lasagna Roll, Dinner Roll
Salad Bar, Fruit Bar, and milk served with every lunch