12 GEAR UP Activity Types
GEAR UP has 12 Activity Types which guide our program:
- College Awareness
- Career Awareness
- Service Learning
- Financial Literacy
- Life Skills/Social Emotional Learning
- Individual Planning
- Scholarships
- Tutoring
- Rigorous Academic
- Parent Engagement
- Professional Development
The GEAR UP Student Fall Survey is required by the State Department of Education every fall term for GEAR UP Students. This quick survey allows the State Department of Education's GEAR UP Directors to measure outcomes of college and career preparation services within our school based on student interaction. Please complete the survey using your EDUID number. Note- this is NOT your school lunch number, but is the number you used to take ISATs. If you do not know your EDUID number, you may ask your teacher to pull it up on Infinite Campus for you.
2022 Student Fall Survey
Required Survey from Idaho State Department of Education's GEAR UP.