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Idaho College Links


Name of College


 Type of School

 Course Lengths & Degrees

Boise Bible College


4-Year Private Ministry College

4-Year Baccalaureate

2-Year Associate Degree

Boise State University


4-Year University

Graduate School

4-Year Baccalaureate

Master's Programs

Doctorate Programs

2-Year Associate Degree



4-Year Private University

4-Year Baccalaureate

2-Year Associate Degree

College of Idaho


4-Year Private Liberal Arts College

4-Year Baccalaureate

College of Southern Idaho

 Twin Falls

Community College and Technical School

2-year associate Degree

College of Western Idaho

Nampa and Boise 

Community College and Professional Technical College

 2-year Associate Degree

Eastern Idaho Technical College

 Idaho Falls

Professional- Technical College

2-year Associate of

Applied Science

Idaho State University


4-Year University, Graduate school and Professional-Technical

4-Year Baccalaureate Master's Program

Doctorate Program

2-year Associate Degree

Lewis-Clark State College


4-Year Baccalaureate College and Professional-Technical

4-Year Baccalaureate

2-Year Associate Degree

North Idaho College

 Coeur d'Alene

Community College and Professional-Technical

2-Year Associate Degree

Northwest Nazarene University


4-Year Comprehensive Christian University and Graduate School

4-Year Baccalaureate, Master's Program

Doctorate Program

University of Idaho


4-Year University

Graduate School and Law School

4-year Baccalaureate



Juris Doctorate
